Transformation Thursday: 14 Success Stories In June 🔥

Transformation Thursday: 14 Success Stories In June 🔥

Akash Vaghela Akash Vaghela · Jul 4th, 2024

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    In June we celebrated the following RNTers hitting checkpoint:
    • Nidhi (UK)
    • Sonal (US)
    • Sneha (US)
    • Mansee (US)
    • Payal (US)
    • Krupa (US)
    • Nishanth (US)
    • Jag (UK)
    • Reemi (UK)
    • Jamie (UK)
    • Etan (UK)
    • Ankush (UK)
    • Mansi (US)
    • Sohan (US)

    I’m blown away by how many RNTers around the world are just CRUSHING it.

    If I look back at each of their stories, they were all:
    • Not feeling confident in their skin
    • Fed up of bouncing from fad diet to fad diet
    • Concerned about their long-term health risks
    But they took the first step…

    And today, I’d love to invite you to take yours at a brand new free masterclass I’m hosting next week titled:

    Tickets are now available on a first come first serve basis.

    It’s on Wednesday 10th July at 6pm BST / 1pm EST. 

    Some of the previous masterclasses we’ve hosted have been the catalyst for so many life-changing transformations.

    So if you’re ready for an immersion into the world of RNT…

    >> Go get your ticket today!
    In the meantime, let’s dive into this week’s Transformation Thursday…


    3 Ways To Look, Feel & Perform Your Best

    1. Meal prepping will make or break your transformation

    If you’re trying to juggle family, work and a social life, time is precious.

    Spending 60 minutes on meal prep every week will give you BACK time you never knew you had.

    The trick is to follow a method that works for you:
    • The Sunday Meal Prep (do everything in one go!)
    • The Biweekly Prep (split the above into two)
    • The Daily Prep (for the ninjas who can cook and shower at once!)
    • The Specific Food Prep (focusing on the time-consuming foods, like lentils and rice)
    If you’d like the specifics on each, click here for 4 simple methods to try this weekend.

    2. Don’t try make 21 different meals a week

    On the topic of meal prep, here’s my #1 pro tip to make it 10x easier:

    Keep your diet ‘samey’. Don’t try to make 21 different meals every week.

    It’s not sustainable unless you want to live in the kitchen. At the very least, make your weekdays the same.

    You’ll be amazed at the mental bandwidth this saves you.

    3. Don’t drop calories for the sake of it…

    A mistake many people who want to lose weight make is thinking because [X] weeks have gone by, they need to drop [X] calories.

    What I prefer for radical (sustainable) weight loss is the notion of: 

    If it’s working, keep rolling with it. Save your trump cards for later, when you need them.

    So if you’re on a diet and it’s working - for whatever your goal is - don’t change a thing!


    Want To Accelerate Your Results?

    If you’re enjoying this Transformation Thursday newsletter and want to achieve something you never thought possible with your mind and body, you may be interested in our flagship programme, RNT Pro.
    We specialise in helping real people with real lives get real results, and we’ve proven it over and over again with nearly 4000+ success stories.

    If you’d like to apply for a position in our next cohort, click here to book a call with my team.

    3 Wins To Inspire You…

    My team and I are always sharing screenshots in an internal channel called #wins. Here’s a few to inspire you this week…

    1. 26.7lbs fat tissue torched!

    DEXAs aren’t the be all end all but hey… this is pretty impressive!
    2. The right vs wrong way to get in shape…

    Anyone can starve the weight off… the question is can you lose weight and build a new identity to keep it off?
    3. The physical is the vehicle…


    Want To Dive Deeper?

    I’m enjoying creating new long-form content for you on YouTube right now.

    If you haven’t watched it yet, expect to learn:
    • Why buffering could backfire on your weight loss attempts
    • The problem with high protein diets
    • Why caffeine could be doing more harm than good
    There’s a cool bonus gift for watching the video too, so check it out to start accelerating your results!

    Thanks for reading.


    PPS. Our next cohort starts soon. If you’d like to get into the best physical and mental shape of your life, with no guesswork required, click here to apply for a position.
    Akash VaghelaAkash Vaghela

    Akash Vaghela has spent 10+ years transforming bodies and lives around the world, and in May 2017, founded RNT Fitness to serve this purpose. His vision is to see a world transformed, where ambitious high performers experience the power of the physical as the vehicle to unlock their real potential. He’s the author of the Amazon best-selling book Transform Your Body Transform Your Life, which explains his unique and proven five-phase methodology, is host of the RNT Fitness Radio podcast, has been featured in the likes of Men’s Health and BBC, whilst regularly speaking across the world on all things transformation.

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