The Journey So Far
A New Name
A New Logo
New Colours
The Great Reset
High Performance for High Performers
What’s Your Problem?
Introducing RNT Pro
- Everything in one place
- Drip fed education that’s curated and ordered, to build from the ground up (and that they never had earlier in life!)
- The blueprint on getting in shape and staying in shape
- A structured approach to learning about training, nutrition and mindset
- To cut through the noise of misinformation and know exactly what they need to know
- More deep dives into topics to boost their knowledge
- More intimate community and cohort support
- A guide, not spoon feeding
- To learn how to fish, not just be given the fish
- Mindset: A growth mindset
- Education: A willingness to learn
- Ownership: Complete ownership and responsibility for their actions
- Long Game: A long-term approach to lasting transformation
- Why: A genuine purpose to be in shape
- Community: The right environment, accountability and support network
- Values: Prioritising continued health, self love and self care
- How do we upgrade our delivery to achieve this?
- How do we deliver the ultimate transformation platform?
- How can we do this all whilst aligning and elevating with our vision (see a world transformed), mission (change lives through fitness) and values (impact, service, self-mastery, community and lifestyle)?