Transformation Thursday: Easy And Quick 5 Minute Recipes Inside

Transformation Thursday: Easy And Quick 5 Minute Recipes Inside

Akash Vaghela Akash Vaghela · Jul 18th, 2024

Akash’s Blog Beginner
5 Mins


    This week I’m in Centre Parcs (a really cool retreat spot in the UK forest) with the family and what’s been cool to see is just how active everyone is here!

    Walks, bike rides, water activities…

    Weather has been on and off but it’s not stopped anyone who’s staying here!

    It reminds me of the foundation of a healthy lifestyle:

    Consistent movement.

    Ten years ago I was only into weight training as I lived and breathed bodybuilding.

    It’s still crazy to think now my week consists of runs, martial arts and weight training, along with other cool activities wherever I can fit them into life!

    Message of today’s Transformation Thursday? (The recipes are further down!)

    Doing some movement is better than thinking about what’s optimal.

    My choice for today?

    A 30 minute run!


    3 Ways To Look, Feel & Perform Your Best

    1. When to make changes during weight loss…

    The #1 question to ask before making any changes is always:

    Have you been following your goals?

    It’s a boring strategy but usually fixes most problems.

    If however, you’ve been 100% and not seen a drop in weight, this diagram will help guide you:
    2. Spend 5 minutes the night before…

    Most adherence issues come from a lack of planning.

    Whether it’s meal prepping, fixing time to train, or clearing the schedule enough to go for a walk.

    A simple fix which always helps is to spend 5 minutes planning the next day.

    With life being a bit crazy right now (a lack of routine mainly), a 5-minute brain dump planning session before heading to bed is helping me a lot.

    3. Easy and quick 5-minute recipes…

    Time is my most precious asset. Health is a top three value of mine.

    So for sustainable fitness results, I want my cooking to be quick, simple and easy.

    80% of the time, I eat similar foods at similar times. It means I don’t need to think too much about food.

    Because I work from home, I’m able to prep most meals on the go. Each of these takes about ~5 minutes. 

    Some dinners are maybe a few minutes more. But if that’s the case, I’ll batch them.

    If you’re short on time in the morning but want some great meal options, I’ve collected 4 of my favourites HERE.


    Want To Accelerate Your Results?

    If you’re enjoying this Transformation Thursday newsletter and want to turbocharge your results with your health and fitness, you may be interested in our flagship programme, RNT Pro.
    We specialise in helping real people with real lives get real results, and we’ve proven it over and over again with nearly 4000+ success stories.

    If you’d like to apply for a position in our next cohort, click here to book a call with my team. 

    3 Wins To Inspire You…

    My team and I are always sharing screenshots in an internal channel called #wins. Here’s a few to inspire you this week…

    1. Smashing our targets

    Our members made commitments to their coaches no more than two weeks ago… and they are already knocking them out of the park.
    2. New clothes for a new body!

    It’s always great to see people excited about buying a new wardrobe because their clothes get too big for them. The confidence boost from shopping is one like no other!
    3. RNT app giving members an extra boost of motivation


    Want To Dive Deeper?

    Listen to my latest podcast to find out the biggest tips and tricks to effective weightloss.

    In this episode, I’m sharing the audio from a really popular video I made a few weeks ago.

    It’s a step by step guide on how to lose 1% body weight every single week until you can’t recognise yourself in the mirror.

    If you didn’t know by the way, I’m releasing more and more exclusive content onto YouTube... so if you like video, subscribe to RNT Fitness on YouTube to be the first in the know!

    Want to find out how you can do it too?

    Listen to the podcast to find out more!


    Thanks for reading.


    PS. Our next cohort starts soon. If you’d like to get into the best physical and mental shape of your life, with no guesswork required, click here to apply for a position.
    Akash VaghelaAkash Vaghela

    Akash Vaghela has spent 10+ years transforming bodies and lives around the world, and in May 2017, founded RNT Fitness to serve this purpose. His vision is to see a world transformed, where ambitious high performers experience the power of the physical as the vehicle to unlock their real potential. He’s the author of the Amazon best-selling book Transform Your Body Transform Your Life, which explains his unique and proven five-phase methodology, is host of the RNT Fitness Radio podcast, has been featured in the likes of Men’s Health and BBC, whilst regularly speaking across the world on all things transformation.

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