Transformation Thursday: Beach Body Confidence, Identity & Supplements

Transformation Thursday: Beach Body Confidence, Identity & Supplements

Akash Vaghela Akash Vaghela · Jun 27th, 2024

Akash’s Blog Beginner
6 Mins


    The shoots are coming in thick and fast right now at RNT.

    Members from all over the world are reaching their first checkpoint in the journey:

    The best shape of their life, physically and mentally.

    Yesterday our Head Coach Ed shared a powerful quote from popular author Mark Manson:

    “Identity lags reality by 1-2 years. There’s a lot of psychological fallout from a rapid change in status.”

    This is exactly why the first line of my book is:

    “Getting in shape is easy, staying in shape is a different ballgame.”

    The truth is, losing weight to gain it back for whatever reason is a waste of time and energy.

    That’s why we have members who stay with us for years, because to build a permanent lifestyle solution, you have to rewire your identity.

    This is hard, because our brain loves to default to old habits and behaviours associated with ingrained identities we’ve yet to detach from.

    It’s not simply a case of losing weight.

    If it was, we wouldn’t see so many experience a death by a thousand cuts when they don’t pay attention to life after their checkpoint.

    I’m going to be sharing more of this in an upcoming masterclass.

    I recently did a poll on Instagram asking if there was interest in a masterclass on how to lose 10-30lbs in the next 90 days (and keep it off).

    The response was overwhelming, so I’m now planning some dates!

    In the meantime, let’s dive into this week’s Transformation Thursday…


    3 Ways To Look, Feel & Perform Your Best

    1. Simple calorie calculations

    Your starting calories for a diet will always be an educated guess.

    There’s no hard and fast rule, but one I do like is starting with approx 10-12 calories per pound bodyweight.

    If you’ve got more than 25lbs to lose, go with 10cal/lb to start with. If less than 25lbs, start with 12cal/lb.

    Wherever you start, this will always be a starting point to build from. Losing too fast? Add some. Not losing fast enough? Drop some.

    2. Weight loss gold standards

    Building on point 1, the goal standard to aim for is 1% weight loss per week.

    If you’re not on the money, the first thing to check is your adherence.

    The easy way out is to blame the diet. The hard thing to accept is your inability to stay consistent.

    A lack of accountability, structure and guidance can play a big part in this.

    But also just how easy it is to kid yourself about how strict you’re being.

    3. Supplements don’t need to be fancy

    My supplement stack is super simple:
    • Vitamin D
    • Multivitamin
    • Protein powder (for convenience only)
    • Creatine monohydrate
    • Omega 3s (from Algae Oil) 
    I’m super consistent with the top 2, use powders for easy protein, and maybe 50:50 with the last two.

    Food is always king. Supplements are always the icing on the cake, but draw the most attention.


    Want To Accelerate Your Results?

    If you’re enjoying this Transformation Thursday newsletter and want to achieve something you never thought possible with your mind and body, you may be interested in our flagship programme, RNT Pro.
    We specialise in helping real people with real lives get real results, and we’ve proven it over and over again with nearly 4000+ success stories.

    If you’d like to apply for a position in our next cohort, click here to book a call with my team.

    3 Wins To Inspire You…

    My team and I are always sharing screenshots in an internal channel called #wins. Here’s a few to inspire you this week…

    1. Beach Body Confidence…

    I talk about this a lot but having a deep confidence in your own skin on the beach is one of the best feelings… look at Hiten’s comment here!
    2. The best antidepressant…

    I love this… “it’s so much more than just a fitness programme to lose weight”
    3. A poster child for 50s health…

    Again… it’s more than just losing weight. It’s life changing and life extending!
    >> If you want to lose weight, get healthy and feel at your best with your busy lifestyle, apply to join our next cohort here.


    Want To Go Deeper In Your Journey?

    Despite working with a personal trainer in the gym for years…Chandni never saw results.

    Her trainer was great at helping her work out. But her real problem lay with her nutrition, and she wasn’t educated on how to eat for weight loss. Especially with a vegetarian diet and a busy lifestyle.

    So just before her 40th birthday, Chandni decided that enough was enough. 

    She wanted to feel good in her body again. She wanted to protect herself from nasty health conditions. 

    And she wanted to build a new identity away from being called “chubby”. So she hopped onto the RNT Method and hasn’t looked back…

    Today Chandni has lost an amazing 49 lbs! She chose to stop making excuses and created a lifestyle that would give her real results. 

    But the best part? She didn’t have to give up travel or her social life to achieve it.

    In the latest episode of RNT Fitness Radio, I dive deep into Chandni’s story:

    Here’s Chandni now by the way…

    Thanks for reading.


    PS. I’m getting more serious about YouTube now, have you seen our latest video? I talk about why healthy food could be the reason you’re struggling to lose weight. Click here to watch it (and subscribe)! 

    PPS. Our July 1st cohort is sold out. Our next one starts soon… If you’d like to get into the best physical and mental shape of your life, with no guesswork required, click here to apply for a position.
    Akash VaghelaAkash Vaghela

    Akash Vaghela has spent 10+ years transforming bodies and lives around the world, and in May 2017, founded RNT Fitness to serve this purpose. His vision is to see a world transformed, where ambitious high performers experience the power of the physical as the vehicle to unlock their real potential. He’s the author of the Amazon best-selling book Transform Your Body Transform Your Life, which explains his unique and proven five-phase methodology, is host of the RNT Fitness Radio podcast, has been featured in the likes of Men’s Health and BBC, whilst regularly speaking across the world on all things transformation.

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