Transformation Thursday: The Secret To Building a Dream Physique

Transformation Thursday: The Secret To Building a Dream Physique

Akash Vaghela Akash Vaghela · Jul 25th, 2024

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6 Mins


    Yesterday I was in the studios recording a couple of upcoming YouTube videos which I’ll be dropping in the next 2 weeks.

    As part of the process, I’m enjoying getting into my writing again and… I’ve been using more of my running/training to get the creative juices flowing again.

    My running specifically has been a little on and off… some weeks once a week… others twice. I realised the inconsistency has been because of one reason:

    I had no plan!

    Business has been busy so I’ve been working pretty crazy hours and with no real training plan (one of my goals this year is to not have a goal whilst maintaining my leanness!)... I’ve pulled back to maintenance.

    It got to the weekend and after a really hard 13.5k run (which shouldn’t have been), I figured I just need to get a bit more consistent with a game plan.

    So it’s 7am BST now, and I’m going to head out for a “tempo” run outside - wish me luck!
    As I dive into the workout, I’ll leave you with today’s Transformation Thursday…


    3 Ways To Look, Feel & Perform Your Best

    1. Secret to building a physique you love

    Last week’s RNT “Enter The Void” workshop was off the charts.

    We videoed the event so I’m excited to share the footage with you once it’s live next week.

    The big takeaway was the importance of intensity. And taking yourself to *that place* during your sets.

    So I have a challenge for you. Film a few of your big training sets and really push yourself to a place you didn’t think was possible.

    If you upload to your Instagram story, tag me on @akashvaghela and I’ll review to see if you went far enough! (DM me just incase too)

    I say this because the difference between building an OK physique and a GREAT physique is always training intensity.

    And not the specific programme, rep range etc…

    2. Cardio for your heart and health… not calories!

    Cardio is often only used during periods of weight loss. But I’m a big believer in doing it year round for your heart and overall health.

    It really is a game changer when you feel fit, and you’re not out of breath chasing down your kids or flagging a taxi down.

    If you’re not doing any cardio, start with 2 sessions a week of 30 minutes on any machine of your choice, or simply a fast walk outside!

    (I wrote this one to myself this morning haha!)

    3. Find your accountability buddy!

    In my recent masterclass (I’ll release dates of the next ones soon), I shared a few accountability hacks.

    One of my favourites is finding an accountability buddy - someone who also wants to get healthier and/or lose weight.

    Once you find them, create a WhatsApp group with a few rules of how you’ll hold each other to account on a daily / weekly basis.

    It could be as simple as writing out a few habits (10,000 steps, 3 litres water, 7 hours sleep) and putting a tick or cross each day.


    Want To Accelerate Your Results?

    If you’re enjoying this Transformation Thursday newsletter and want to turbocharge your results with your health and fitness, you may be interested in our flagship programme, RNT Pro.
    We specialise in helping real people with real lives get real results, and we’ve proven it over and over again with nearly 4000+ success stories.

    If you’d like to apply for a position in our next cohort, click here to book a call with my team.

    3 Wins To Inspire You…

    My team and I are always sharing screenshots in an internal channel called #wins. Here’s a few to inspire you this week…

    1. Rewarding holidays

    It’s fantastic to see our members go on their summer holidays noticing a difference because of their journey so far.
    2. Staying on plan

    Our RNTers make the hard choices. Their future selves will thank them for it!
    3. The best shape of their lives…


    Want To Dive Deeper?

    In 2018, Hiten was shocked to discover that he had become diabetic and was now overweight. 

    Terrified for his health, he began his weight loss journey there and then. His goal was to be a good role model for his kids, feel comfortable in his clothes and take care of his health.

    But the problem was… he wasn’t quite sure how. After his results plateaued for nine months, Hiten wanted a plan that was LONG TERM to kick start his progress again.

    Because simply listening to the RNT podcast helped him lose 36.5 kg (!), so he knew the official RNT programme would be the answer to go to the next level!

    Hiten joined a year ago and hasn’t looked back!

    He was especially attracted to our longer-term commitment because he knew he’d learn more about how to take care of his body and health AFTER he lost the weight.

    Today, Hiten’s body transformation has shown his kids what commitment can achieve and the confidence he has wearing his clothes is through the roof!

    Want to learn more? Listen to our latest podcast for the details…


    Thanks for reading.


    PS. Our next cohort starts soon. If you’d like to get into the best physical and mental shape of your life, with no guesswork required, click here to apply for a position.

    Akash VaghelaAkash Vaghela

    Akash Vaghela has spent 10+ years transforming bodies and lives around the world, and in May 2017, founded RNT Fitness to serve this purpose. His vision is to see a world transformed, where ambitious high performers experience the power of the physical as the vehicle to unlock their real potential. He’s the author of the Amazon best-selling book Transform Your Body Transform Your Life, which explains his unique and proven five-phase methodology, is host of the RNT Fitness Radio podcast, has been featured in the likes of Men’s Health and BBC, whilst regularly speaking across the world on all things transformation.

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