
How Working Mum Shefali Went From Tired And Inconsistent To Driven And Motivated

Shefali’s transformation is truly incredible. The RNT Method allowed her to lose 11kg healthily and sustainably.

Starting weight: 59kg

Checkpoint weight: 48kg

Let’s dive in…

Making a Choice for Health

Shefali was a working mum trying her best to stay fit. Despite being a long-distance runner and loving gym classes, she never saw results.

She knew that she needed help for an effective fitness programme. This is when she came across RNT.

“I thought I had a healthy lifestyle. I ran marathons and ultra-marathons. I was generally active with HIIT and spin classes at the gym. But I didn’t see the output to match how much effort I was putting in.

“My body was very exhausted and I ended up with injuries. I realised I needed a proper plan rather than just going all out with cardio. So RNT was the obvious choice.”

Overcoming the Fear

Shefali knew that she was stopping herself from achieving her full potential.

The fear of failure meant that it took her a long time to take the leap.

“I had a self-limiting belief that I couldn’t do hard things and would back out when it gets tough. I am not usually one of those people who sets a target and achieves them.”

Shefali eventually decided to take care of herself for a happier and more confident life. But to do this, she needed to find the support of an RNT Coach to stay accountable for her actions.

Consistency is Key

Before joining the program, Shefali would never stick to a fitness regime. She would often jump between them.

“Consistency was my biggest problem pre-RNT. I would try something new, and see results for a bit but never long enough to continue with it.”

Another big problem for Shefali was understanding how healthy her lifestyle was. She was under the impression that it didn’t require any improvement.

But the truth was, although she ate well during the week, the same couldn’t be said for weekends. She was inconsistent in nutrition which made weight loss an impossible task.

Investing in the Journey

Shefali followed the RNT Method to get her sustainable weight loss results. After years of trying on her own, she felt like she couldn’t make this dream a reality.

Yet, the support from her RNT Coach motivated her to achieve the results she had been hoping for.

She also worried about being selfish as a mother by prioritising her health.

But she soon realised her healthy way of living had an incredible impact on her children.

Shefali was a role model for self-discipline and living an active lifestyle.

Very soon, she made it through the initial stages of the RNT method.

Each phase came with highlights.

“The process has been humbling, to say the least. I enjoyed the CTP phase (first phase) where I got a sense of discipline and saw quick results.

“The process phase (second phase) gave me the confidence to continue with my routine. I was doing less cardio, had more energy at the end of the day, better mood and had a sense of achievement. I liked the little wins I had each day and the positivity spread to all aspects of my life.”

But the successes did not come without challenges. Shefali found handling social events particularly difficult.

“My obstacles were managing social events, and the ability to say no to friends and family. I found my voice to do that as part of this process.”

She learned to overcome this by finding more confidence in herself. Shefali learned that she could set boundaries. She found strength both mentally and physically as she went through the programme.

The main lesson that Shefali learned from the RNT was the ability to put herself first.

“I’ve made big strides with really knowing what I want and saying no to a lot of stuff that I tolerated earlier on.

“We’re always told to think of family first and that it’s selfish to put yourself first. Especially if you’re a woman, a working mom, and you’re already doing too much for yourself by being at work for long hours.

“But I learnt that it’s ok to look after my own body, and my mental health and I can look after my children better.”

The Physical is the Vehicle

The RNT Method also helped Shefali with her sports performance.

She beat her marathon time from last year by 70 minutes!

Her results have never been better.

“The marathon I ran this year in April has been my best. It combines my physical fitness, mental strength and the self-belief I now have.”

Her progress went beyond weight loss and fitness. Through taking a holistic approach to health, Shefali also:

  • Improved her mental health
  • Overcame her self-doubts
  • Became more confident in herself
  • Had more energy for her children

Want a transformation like Shefali’s? Book a call with our enrollment team today!

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