I’ve reached my first checkpoint and would like to share what I’ve learnt during my journey
I first learned about RNT fitness through my wife and my sister who had both joined and achieved great results. I had been trying to get into shape and did a lot of cardio but achieved very little success. My wife and mum did try to tell me - why not try something different and join RNT. I was very apprehensive at first but then I thought - if I keep doing the same things I’ll achieve the same results so I read up about it and made up my mind to join.
After joining RNT - I have had to juggle a busy lifestyle, a demanding job, and being a dad.
I’ve been getting up at 3.30 every morning in order to ensure I did my workout /cardio and achieve my step target every day.
My biggest learns are :
- Always listen to your coach
- Work hard to achieve - no pain no gain
- Times will be hard - just stick with it
- Visualise where you want to be what you want your body to look like
- Always aim to progress your reps /cardio - if you can do one extra rep - you can do the one after. With respect to cardio - I could not even run 9k per hour, but now I can run 10.78km in an hour.
- Always aim to do better the next time and progress